Tori flew me out to one of my favorite places in the United States for a mentor session, and while i was out here i had the cutest in-home sesh with her little fam. Before i spent the weekend with Tori and learned all about her and where she came from, I always thought she was originally from Michigan like me, and then just moved out to CO, but i was super wrong! Tori is from basically... everywhere. Her and her husband Hayden lived out of their car and traveling all over the US for Hayden's work. She just got back from living in Florida for 6 months, again living out of a van with their CUTE AS A BUTTON daughter scarlet, that Tori also home schools! Ahhhh this girl and her family are SO inspiring.
I had the pleasure of staying in Scarlet's room for the weekend while i had my visit, and she comes in and sits with me and shows me a whole photo album of her with her family members, describing every photo and memory in detail. (shes 5) It made my heart so happy. I am forever thankful i met this fam, and that they opened their doors to me, and made me feel like home, even though i was so far away from mine.
And then we were up bright n early to take on a 3 hour mini road trip to Rocky Mountain National Park for our Mentor Sesh <3 It was my first time there, of course not tori's, so we were able to hit a ton of cool spots in only a few hours! As soon as we entered the park we were dripping with sweat, and eventually when we drove to the back, the mountains were covered with snow and we had to bundle TF up lol. It was the most amazing experience i've ever been a part of. The world is SO beautiful + breathtaking. Now everyone, put Rocky Mnt national park on your bucket list!
Photos by Tori Garfield - Edited by me